Everything About You, Chapter 19 - Fuck The Heat.

- Where are you heading? frågade jag skeptiskt.
- We, are heading south, sa Eleanor. Because we are going to Australia.
- Ooooh heeeeell to the no! Harry's tagging along El! I can't see him right now! I'm a state!
- Yeah. You should get gum, your breath stinks. You're coming.
- Bu-
- No buts! Go get showered, now!
Jag morrade lågt och satte iväg.
Om jag visste vad som skulle hända i Australien, skulle jag aldrig ha följt med

Faamia's perspektiv:
Sutton fucking Chandler var en människa jag skulle lägga till på min "to-kill" lista tillsammans med Eleanor fucking Calder och Zayn fucking Malik. Jag satt på ett fucking plan, fast mellan Niall och Louis. De satt och diskuterade hur Xbox var roligare än playstation? Louis var på Xbox's sida och Niall på playstations.
Och jag trodde att jag hade brist på liv... Tsssss, proved I'm very wrong...
- But xbox is so much easier man! utbrast Louis.
- No! svarade Niall bestämt. You can't play fifa on xbox!
- You so can! You can't play Buzz on playstation.
- I regret even playing Buzz! It's so bloody childish!
Louis hämtade andan på ett dramatiskt sätt. Vad kunde jag säga? Louis fucking Tomlinson var en stor jävla drama-queen.
- Don't talk about Buzz that way! sa Louis surt.
- Seriously! avbröt jag dem båda. Your arguing about a fucking game! What are you?! Five fucking years old? For fuck's sake you dickheads...
- Faamia! utbrast Liam häpet. That's a naughty choice of words!
Jag himlade med ögonen åt hans fjantigheter. Liam var ju Disney-fantast. I Disney världen hörde man inte ens ett "Shit!" eller "Hell", istället hörde man "Shoot!" "Darnit" och allt PG-rated.
Vad kunde jag säga? Jag var på ett fucking-mood idag.
Nej, misstolka inte.
Jag var tvungen att säga "fucking" i varje mening. Något som varken Liam, Zayn eller He-who-must-not-be-named. Ja, jag använde den meningen igen eftersom jag inte fick säga hans namn. Då skulle jag riskera hängning. Vilket betyder min egen död.... o_O
Scary shiet.
Louis och Niall hade nu tystnat och pratade istället om det nya albumet Take Me Home. Jag tyckte det borde ha hetat; "Hi I'm Harry Styles, I'm fit as fuck and has got adnormally large hands, I would like to Take You Home if you get where I'm heading ;)"
Men det kanske bara var jag som tyckte det. Jag suckade och gick över till Sutton och Eleanor. De hade fucking dissat mig. (-.-)
- Thanks for leaving me with the fucktards, muttrade jag och slog mig ned på Suttons knä.
- You know what? började Sutton. I've missed you and your snarky comments.
Jag och Eleanor kollade chockat på henne.
Sutton Chandler säger aldrig att hon saknar någon. Det är ett fucking mirakel! Sutton var minst lika förvånad över det som just hade lämnat hennes läppar.
Hon knuffade av mig från sitt knä snabbt och kröp ihop till en liten boll.
- Eleanor you skinny bitch! stönade Sutton och höll för sina ögon. You've rubbed off on me! I never tell anyone I miss them! Except Niall or course...
- I like this new Sutton, sa Eleanor nöjt. You should start caring more. More people will enjoy your presence. Like that hipster girl in the bookshop at Heathrow.
- Hell to the no! That hipster bitch was sending me glares everytime she spotted me!
- Maybe because you threw a book at her! flinade jag. That sounds like something I would accidentally do though...
- I didn't mean to do it! The book flew out from my hand and collided with her face! Clearly the winds dislike that hoe-bag!
- Since when can books fly? frågade Eleanor ironiskt.
- Since when did you become Sarcastic Sally? svarade Sutton lika ironiskt.
Fuck my fucking life.
De var de enda tankarna jag hade just nu. Vi hade landat i Australien, vart hade jag ingen aning om. Det enda jag kunde tänka på var att det var så JÄVLA FUCKING VARMT. Jag saknade redan det kalla regniga vädret hemma i London.
Det var mitt i natten när vi kom fram, men ändå stod det hundratals fans inne i flygplatsen. Jag kunde fortfarande inte förstå hur trogna fansen var. De skulle till och med skippa skolan för att få en glimt utav sina  idoler.
Stalker varniiiiiing.
Jag längtade redan till att få somna i den stora hotellsängen. Resan hade inte varit speciellt underhållade då Louis, Niall, Eleanor och Sutton hade varit dampbarn hela resan. Alltså varit högljudda och druckit lite för mycket...
Tur att vi hade ett eget flygplan, annars skulle det ha varit synd om medpassagerarna.
Zayn greppade min hand och vi gick bakom Paul som fick kämpa oss igenom massorna med skrikande fans.
Fan att Eleanor gick femtioelvatusenåttiosju kilometer bakom mig eftersom hon hade vattenflaskan som jag behövde vid denna hemska fucking hetta.
Vi hoppade in i bilen och jag höll nästan på att dö på grund av näringsbrist, men jag använde all min kraft till ett försök att sätta mig på sätet. Men eftersom jag inte hade en gnutta koordination i min kropp, studsade jag upp från sätet och ner på golvet. Med ögon som halvsov höll jag ett krampaktigt tag om min kära bakdel.
"You're so clumsy Fame," flinade irländaren och jag skickade en hotfull blick i hans håll men kom sen på att mina ögon var stängda.
Way to fucking go.
Någon tog tag i mina överarmar och lyfte mig upp på sätet. Halvvägs på väg att somna mumlade jag ett tack och lutade mig mot närmsta axel. Denna var extremt benig så jag antog att det var Eleanor.
Beniga jävel...
"Oh yeah! Gimme some of that! Just like that baby! Aaaaargh, you are so sexy doing that!"
I was honestly on the verge of leaving this photo shoot. At first I had found the photographer's sexual innuendo's hilarious, but after a while I was growing more and more irritated at the Australian man. Once more I leaned over the table top, hiding my annoyed façade and plastered an innocent look on my face.
Australia's Vogue had called my agent the day before and asked if they could book in a photo shoot.
Everybodey lovez me yo'.
Though I had to admit this was probably one of the funniest shoots I had ever been on! Mostly because they had fed me with 183451873458194803275984610 bottles of coke, so now my energy was through the roof.
"Grrrr, who's your daddy! Oh my, you so fine! Show me those lush curves! And... we're finished, thank you everyone!" Marco yelled and rushed towards me. "It had been a great pleasure shooting you today. It's not often one of the most influential models of this world, lands here down under!"
"Say whaaa...?"
Down under...?
He completely ignored my answer and walked past me. So much for hospitality... With my Malik-genes stepping in, I angrily stomped my foot on the ground.Completely forgetting I wore high heels, I lost balance and stumbled around and fell on my face.
"Awch." I muttered with my face plastered to the floor.
I rolled over so I was laying on my back before standing up and storming out from set. Not leaving the clothes I was wearing, which was a very revealing white blouse and red short short short short shorts. It was probably a pair of really big panties in real life.
They actually looked a lot like my grandma's if I was going to be honest...
And before you ask, yes, I have seen my dear paki grandmother in her underwear once. It will never, never, happen again...
It still haunts me to this very day....
I walked as fast as the clumsy Jeffery Campbell shoes let me. I earned a few looks from people on the street but my eyes was fixed on the big Range Rover many metres away. Paul must've seen me coming cause the car drove closer so I could just hop in.
"How do girls dress these days?!" he exclaimed as soon as I placed my bum on the passengers seat.
"Don't ask me. I can't even dress myself properly, so I would never know what goes through the rest of the world's population of girls!" I said as he drove away.
We chatted about my panties/shorts for the rest of the ten minute long car ride. He said it looked like his wife's big panties she wore when she was pregnant. I sincerely hoped Paul wasn't comparing me to his pregnant wife, cause if he did I would probably go jump off a cliff. No offense to Paul, but I wouldn't chose him to become my baby daddy.
We all know who that would be...
Harry Styles with his sexy smile, broad shoulders, pointless tattoos and abnormally large hands.  
Did you hear that sound...?
It was the sound of me, taking off my shorts.
"I'm going to try that I didn't just hear that," Paul said with a strained tone.
"I said that out loud right...?" I asked and hit my head forcefully against the window. "Ouch!"
I rubbed my forehead and groaned.
Could this day get any better?
Note the sarcasm.
After I arrived back at the hotel, all I wanted was to take a long and well needed nap. But no. Apparently the boys had ordered an adventure thingy on a big ass boat. Yes you heard me. I could lie and say I was actually excited to be on a boat. But no. Because I couldn't swim, I was terribly afraid of water. And no, I have no clue why mine and Zayn's parents decided not to teach us to swim when we were younger.
And another reason why I was going to hate this stupid trip. I had to bear with seeing Harry in nothing but trunks for an entire day.
Fuck me fucking sideways.
I hated Harry Styles and his hotness with a burning passion. So why Ghandi, why am I attracted to a fucking baby face with curls?!
I needed to sort my life out. Fast!
So now I was sat on a boat. With five morons, one slut and my Ellephant. Tell me again how you want to have my life...? That's right. You don't!
I'm probably going to die alone with my 72 cats.
After all I am a lonely wolf....
The sun was burning my skin. I was part Irish after all, which meant I was pretty pale. I watched the others bathe and have fun in the water. A scream suddenly pierced my ears. I couldn't see Sutton anymore. Niall stood on the smaller boat with a smug face. I bet he pushed her into the water. She returned to the surface after a few seconds, sending every curse she knew in Niall's direction. She was so going to make him pay for that.
Pay for it as in bodily favours...
If you understand what I'm talking about...
"How come you nor Zayn can swim?" I heard someone say behind me. I immediately knew who the voice belonged to.
"I don't know Styles. Ask my parents." I muttered. "Why are you up here anyway? Shouldn't you be down there?"
He shrugged and stepped closer; I was still not facing him. His torso sneaked up against my back slowly and I my breath hitched in my throat. He wasn't directly touching me, but it was still so arousing to find him almost grinding me!
If only he could grind me...
"Who should grind you?" Harry asked, his voice sounding amused.
"Oh, shush!"
I felt his breath tickle my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. The others drove the smaller boat they were currently on to the decks on the backside of the yacht. It was time to continue our trip along the Australian harbour.
Or should I say... The Harbour down under...
Everything about this country was so bloody sexual it made my brain go all fussy. Firstly calling it "Down Under", secondly that the large island was shaped as a bum and thirdly... Uh... The uh.. I-. Oh whatever.
And the best thing of all; the good part hasn't even started yet.
I love Australia.

Ska vara ärlig och säga att jag hade ingen aning hur jag skulle avsluta detta kapitel... Isch, lovar att ni förväntade er värsta kapitlet med Faamia dagisbarn och allt... Men eftersom min hjärna är inställd på Raw Love och sadness/depression så måste jag bli van vid att skriva helt fucked up crazy ass muthafukka igen haha...!
Bestämde mig för att skriva lite på engelska. Kommer inte göra det i fortsättningen då de är svårare att skriva på engelska nu när jag inte är inställd på Fames crazy upptåg.
AJA. Love you guys! <33333

Postat av: matilda

Så brrraaa!! har saknat den hära novellen älskade raw lov med, men ändå amazing!:)

2013-03-27 @ 15:24:48
Postat av: Emma

Du vet inte hur mycket jag älskar den här novellen! :')

2013-04-04 @ 16:05:16

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