Moments Ago, Chapter 15 - Keep Holding On
- I know I didn't know her very well, but she was a really wonderful person, sa Nellie efter en lång stunds tystnad.
- Yeah, höll Tash med.
- How does this bipolar disease work? frågade Louis.
- When her family died- började jag.
- Wait, family died? Tell from the beginning, sa Zayn.
- Her family died in a car crash almost seven months ago. She was diagnosed with a bipolar disease, and got medication. Medication that made her not to feel any sort of emotion or feeling.
- That's why she were so calm and relaxed one moment, then tense and worried the other, mumlade Niall.
- She got this bipolar disease because she got so depressed after they died.
- Oh my God. I can't even imagine what she's been through, sa Nellie. If I lost my family, I... I don't even want to think about it...
- Are you guys here for Miss Cherelle Chambers? frågade en doktor plötsligt.
Vi for upp ur våra stolar.
- I've got some bad news...
Tashs perspektiv:
- I've got some bad news, sa läkaren. But also some good news.
- Okay, bad news first, sa Harry nervöst.
- Two of her ribs are broken, she's got a severe concussion, one broken arm and leg.
- Oh my God... mumlade jag.
- But the good news is that she's a fighter. Not many survives this kind of accident. It's about 70 % chance she'll survive the surgery.
- 70? Only 70?! utbrast Harry.
- Yeah. Pray for her and stay positive.
Läkaren gav oss ett litet leende som inte räckte läpparna, och gick iväg.
Nellie sjönk ihop med händerna sammanflätade och slutna ögon.
- What's she doing? frågade Zayn lågt.
- She's praying. God's like her best friend, berättade Tash.
- Christian? frågade han.
- Yeah. But you're a muslim I've gathered.
- Yeah. Would she ever date a... muslim?
- Don't know, though I have no idea if her parents would let her. They're like saints, I'm telling you!
- No they're not. Sorry, Tash exaggerates all the time. And to answer your question. Yes I would, my parents love everyone equally as much as the other. Christian or not, sa Nellie.
Hon log svagt och kollade på Zayn.
- How can you guys be so calm?! utbrast Harry. I'm litterally dying here!
- We just have to stay positive Harry. Try not to think about her, that'll work. I worked when my aunt was in coma. I didn't like her though, 'cause she was a woman with ten cats, but still.
- Thanks for the lecture Nellie, sa Harry ironiskt.
- Oh, you're welcome.
Vi förblev tysta, det enda som hördes var skjusökterskornas småprat och Nellies viskningar.
Fem timmar senare så hade Nellie somnat på Nialls axel och han på hennes huvud. Jag lutade mig mot Zayn och han snarkade lågt. Liam hade åkt hem till Danielle för att avboka alla intervjuer och liknande.
Harry satt på en stol mittemot mig. Han stirrade oroligt över axeln var 30:e sekund.
- How are you Harry? frågade jag lågt.
- Never better, mumlade han ironiskt.
- Try to get som' sleep. I'll wake you up if something happens, sa jag.
- I can't. I can't sleep knowing that Cherry's in some room with her body split up and shit!
- They'll take good care of her you know...
- What if she... sa han innan hans röst sprack.
Jag reste mig långsamt upp och satte mig ner bredvid honom. Jag tog hans händer i mina och kollade upp i hans glansiga ögon.
- We can't think like that Harry. For the sake of Cherry, we have to keep our hopes up, sa jag.
- Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to face her if she survives. I said some horrible things before... But I won't be able to understand it if she.. dies.
- Harry. It's not your fault she got run over. Don't blame yourself.
- Tash. If I tell you something, can you promise not to tell anyone?
- Of course Harry!
- Good. Well, I... kind of like like her. I know I act like I don't, but... I don't know. It feels like... What she gets to attached with me and I get to attached with her, and then I'll have to leave. That would crush her. She's so vunerable and that scares me...
Jag drog ett djupt andetag. Han gillade verkligen henne...
- Sometimes, you have to jump. You will never know if you two would be good together if you don't try first.
- Thanks Tash, sa han och drog in mig i en kram.
- No problem.
Hans armar slank runt min midja och jag kände hur han snyftade lågmält. Han gillade henne verkligen.
Jag lät honom gråta ut på min axel.
- Harry! utbrast någon bakom oss.
Vi drog ifrån och ingen mindre än Ellen Chambers stod där. Hon var verkligen vackrare i verkligheten... Och så lik Cherry.
- Ellen. It's horrible! She's in surgery now, berättade Harry snabbt.
- I'm going to kill the person that ran over her! sa Ellen argt med tårar rinnandes nerför sina kinder. You're Tash, right? You found her?
Jag nickade sakta, och hon omfamnade mig snabbt i en hård kram.
- Excuse me, sa samma doktor som förut bakom oss.
Ellen drog snabbt ifrån och kollade på henne med röda ögon.
- The surgery is finished, and it went well. You can see her now, sa hon och log.
Glädjetårar rann nerför våra kinder och vi tre omfamnade varandra lyckligt. Doktorn ledde oss igenom en korridor och in i ett rum.
Rummet var ganska litet, med beiga väggar och ett stort fönster. Cherry låg på den vita sängen med en massa sladdar på henne. Hon var likblek och med matta ögon kollade hon på oss.
- If I could, I would give you all a bone-crushing hug right now, sa hon med en ansträngd röst.
- Cherry! sa Ellen och kramade henne försiktigt.
- Careful, careful. I'm still a bit fragile.
- Cherry! sa jag glatt.
- Tash. I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this, sa hon generat.
- No problem! I love drama, it's so dramatic!
- Haha, ouch! sa Cherry.
Hennes blick flyttades och fastnade på Harry. Leendet var som bortblåst.
- Harry, sa hon långsamt.
- How- how are you? frågade Harry nervöst.
- Been better.
Ellen försvann fort ut genom dörren och tystnaden föll över oss.
- Harry be honest. What are you even doing here? You clearly don't like me.
- Yeah, höll Tash med.
- How does this bipolar disease work? frågade Louis.
- When her family died- började jag.
- Wait, family died? Tell from the beginning, sa Zayn.
- Her family died in a car crash almost seven months ago. She was diagnosed with a bipolar disease, and got medication. Medication that made her not to feel any sort of emotion or feeling.
- That's why she were so calm and relaxed one moment, then tense and worried the other, mumlade Niall.
- She got this bipolar disease because she got so depressed after they died.
- Oh my God. I can't even imagine what she's been through, sa Nellie. If I lost my family, I... I don't even want to think about it...
- Are you guys here for Miss Cherelle Chambers? frågade en doktor plötsligt.
Vi for upp ur våra stolar.
- I've got some bad news...
Tashs perspektiv:
- I've got some bad news, sa läkaren. But also some good news.
- Okay, bad news first, sa Harry nervöst.
- Two of her ribs are broken, she's got a severe concussion, one broken arm and leg.
- Oh my God... mumlade jag.
- But the good news is that she's a fighter. Not many survives this kind of accident. It's about 70 % chance she'll survive the surgery.
- 70? Only 70?! utbrast Harry.
- Yeah. Pray for her and stay positive.
Läkaren gav oss ett litet leende som inte räckte läpparna, och gick iväg.
Nellie sjönk ihop med händerna sammanflätade och slutna ögon.
- What's she doing? frågade Zayn lågt.
- She's praying. God's like her best friend, berättade Tash.
- Christian? frågade han.
- Yeah. But you're a muslim I've gathered.
- Yeah. Would she ever date a... muslim?
- Don't know, though I have no idea if her parents would let her. They're like saints, I'm telling you!
- No they're not. Sorry, Tash exaggerates all the time. And to answer your question. Yes I would, my parents love everyone equally as much as the other. Christian or not, sa Nellie.
Hon log svagt och kollade på Zayn.
- How can you guys be so calm?! utbrast Harry. I'm litterally dying here!
- We just have to stay positive Harry. Try not to think about her, that'll work. I worked when my aunt was in coma. I didn't like her though, 'cause she was a woman with ten cats, but still.
- Thanks for the lecture Nellie, sa Harry ironiskt.
- Oh, you're welcome.
Vi förblev tysta, det enda som hördes var skjusökterskornas småprat och Nellies viskningar.
Fem timmar senare så hade Nellie somnat på Nialls axel och han på hennes huvud. Jag lutade mig mot Zayn och han snarkade lågt. Liam hade åkt hem till Danielle för att avboka alla intervjuer och liknande.
Harry satt på en stol mittemot mig. Han stirrade oroligt över axeln var 30:e sekund.
- How are you Harry? frågade jag lågt.
- Never better, mumlade han ironiskt.
- Try to get som' sleep. I'll wake you up if something happens, sa jag.
- I can't. I can't sleep knowing that Cherry's in some room with her body split up and shit!
- They'll take good care of her you know...
- What if she... sa han innan hans röst sprack.
Jag reste mig långsamt upp och satte mig ner bredvid honom. Jag tog hans händer i mina och kollade upp i hans glansiga ögon.
- We can't think like that Harry. For the sake of Cherry, we have to keep our hopes up, sa jag.
- Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to face her if she survives. I said some horrible things before... But I won't be able to understand it if she.. dies.
- Harry. It's not your fault she got run over. Don't blame yourself.
- Tash. If I tell you something, can you promise not to tell anyone?
- Of course Harry!
- Good. Well, I... kind of like like her. I know I act like I don't, but... I don't know. It feels like... What she gets to attached with me and I get to attached with her, and then I'll have to leave. That would crush her. She's so vunerable and that scares me...
Jag drog ett djupt andetag. Han gillade verkligen henne...
- Sometimes, you have to jump. You will never know if you two would be good together if you don't try first.
- Thanks Tash, sa han och drog in mig i en kram.
- No problem.
Hans armar slank runt min midja och jag kände hur han snyftade lågmält. Han gillade henne verkligen.
Jag lät honom gråta ut på min axel.
- Harry! utbrast någon bakom oss.
Vi drog ifrån och ingen mindre än Ellen Chambers stod där. Hon var verkligen vackrare i verkligheten... Och så lik Cherry.
- Ellen. It's horrible! She's in surgery now, berättade Harry snabbt.
- I'm going to kill the person that ran over her! sa Ellen argt med tårar rinnandes nerför sina kinder. You're Tash, right? You found her?
Jag nickade sakta, och hon omfamnade mig snabbt i en hård kram.
- Excuse me, sa samma doktor som förut bakom oss.
Ellen drog snabbt ifrån och kollade på henne med röda ögon.
- The surgery is finished, and it went well. You can see her now, sa hon och log.
Glädjetårar rann nerför våra kinder och vi tre omfamnade varandra lyckligt. Doktorn ledde oss igenom en korridor och in i ett rum.
Rummet var ganska litet, med beiga väggar och ett stort fönster. Cherry låg på den vita sängen med en massa sladdar på henne. Hon var likblek och med matta ögon kollade hon på oss.
- If I could, I would give you all a bone-crushing hug right now, sa hon med en ansträngd röst.
- Cherry! sa Ellen och kramade henne försiktigt.
- Careful, careful. I'm still a bit fragile.
- Cherry! sa jag glatt.
- Tash. I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this, sa hon generat.
- No problem! I love drama, it's so dramatic!
- Haha, ouch! sa Cherry.
Hennes blick flyttades och fastnade på Harry. Leendet var som bortblåst.
- Harry, sa hon långsamt.
- How- how are you? frågade Harry nervöst.
- Been better.
- Um. Do you want anything from the cafeteria Cherry? frågade Ellen osäkert.
- Water please.
- I'll stay here incase this gets messy.
Ellen försvann fort ut genom dörren och tystnaden föll över oss.
- Harry be honest. What are you even doing here? You clearly don't like me.
- Are you crazy Cherry? I don't hate you!
- Guys- sa jag.
- Why wouldn't you? We literally hate eachother!
- I don't hate you, Cherry!
- Harry, you don't-
- Cherry! Just shut up okay! I don't hate you!
- Harry, don't-
- No Cherry. You deserve to know the truth. And the truth is, that I... Cherry I.
- Harry! Are you a fucking man or what? Cherry, he's trying to tell you that he likes you! And you Cherry! You clearly like him, why the hell are you pretending you don't?! You both need to wake up and stop being so blind! utbrast jag argt.
Jag stormade ut ur rummet och smällde igen dörren bakom mig.
- What happened? Who were shouting? frågade en förvirrat Zayn utanför.
- I think I just screamed at them, sa jag och kollade på honom.
- Why?
- 'Cause they're both so blind! They keep on telling themselves that they hate eachother, instead of seing what everyone else sees.
- What does everyone else see?
- That they fancy eachother. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but theeeem.
Zayn skrattade och gick in i rummet.
Bara för att jag älskar mina läsare! You guys are the best! Love you all so muchmuchmuch! Kommentera ;)
Jag stormade ut ur rummet och smällde igen dörren bakom mig.
- What happened? Who were shouting? frågade en förvirrat Zayn utanför.
- I think I just screamed at them, sa jag och kollade på honom.
- Why?
- 'Cause they're both so blind! They keep on telling themselves that they hate eachother, instead of seing what everyone else sees.
- What does everyone else see?
- That they fancy eachother. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but theeeem.
Zayn skrattade och gick in i rummet.
Bara för att jag älskar mina läsare! You guys are the best! Love you all so muchmuchmuch! Kommentera ;)
Postat av: emma
Åh jag älskar det! :)
Postat av: Melina
Sjukt bra! :)